
The DeFi Collective is hiring a Community Manager & a Content Strategist

The DeFi Collective is hiring a Community Manager & a Content Strategist

The DeFi Collective is looking to hire two additional contributors focused on community and content to help raise its awareness and spotlight the top-notch projects it supports. Below are descriptions of the two positions and information on how to apply.

July 2024 update: We’ve found and hired both our Content Strategist - Spicypiz and our Community Manager - Stengarl: the positions presented in this post are no longer available. However the Collective is still open to hire more relevant contributors, feel free to reach out or ask in the Discord if you’re interested in contributing.

If you are unfamiliar with the DeFi Collective, we invite you to browse this website for more context; a short introduction follows. The Collective is a Swiss nonprofit association harnessing DeFi to nudge it toward maximal resilience and responsibility. It self-appoints to support the most resilient DeFi projects, no question asked, thanks to its own assets, including sizable liquidity-driving token balances (veVELO, veAERO, veRAM, etc.). The Collective has been self-sufficient since its inception, generating ~$30k of monthly earnings, compounded into its treasury to further its impact — check the monthly treasury report for more information.

The two profiles will work closely together, as they essentially work towards a common goal — raising the public profile of the Collective and growing its community, but with different means. The Community Manager is focused on the day-to-day tactics, while the Content Strategist will oversee the longer-term strategy and its implementation.

Community Manager / Growth Hacker


Grow the DeFi Collective’s community: be present, manage and engage with our community, ensuring that Defi Collective’s values are understood and communicated. Strengthen the ties with (build and maintain strong relationships with) the community of supported projects, such as PoolTogether, Liquity, DYAD, etc, and the broader DeFi community.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Keeping a pulse on what is happening in the Collective and supported communities and being part of the discussion.
  • Management of the Collective social media accounts on a frequent (daily) basis: Currently, on Twitter, we are open to considering developing a presence on more social media, especially Web3.
  • Animate the Collective’s Discord daily and inform the community about ongoing initiatives.
  • Develop the media presence of the Collective: interviews, podcasts, events, etc. (someone else can man them)
  • Work hand-in-hand with Content Strategist to develop & implement a long-term efficient social media + content strategy
  • Any other operations deemed relevant by the Community Manager to achieve the broader objective of raising awareness about the Collective and its supported projects.

Required Qualifications

  • People-person: Much of your job involves talking to people on various channels. You should have** **excellent communication, interpersonal, organizational, and problem-solving skills.
  • Availability: We’re looking for a part-time contributor, and you’re absolutely free to allocate your time. However, managing socials will typically require some presence daily.
  • Value alignment: We do & promote DeFi there, the real one, not re-staked centralized multisig-powered marketing stunts.
  • DeFi native & onchain presence: You should understand DeFi and how to communicate with a web3 crowd. In DeFi, you learn by doing. During the interview, you’ll be asked to share a wallet.
  • Autonomous and self-driven: You will have no manager and need to be able to self-appoint and deliver on tasks** **relevant to your objectives.

Working Conditions

The Collective offers fair and transparent working conditions to any individual looking to devote his/her skill to better DeFi. Contributors are always hired part-time, with a maximum of 50% of their working time dedicated to the Collective. A maximal spread of 2x is maintained between contributors’ compensation, with the lowest compensation currently at 1500 LUSD /month and the highest at 2500. We are entirely remote and looking for suitable Contributors from anywhere. Provisions are possible in the employment contract to avoid revealing publicly the identity of anonymous contributors.

Content Strategist


Devise and implement an efficient and value-aligned content strategy for the Collective, enabling it to raise its profile while showcasing the uniqueness of the association.
You shape DeFi’s narrative. You obsess about finding new ways to explain and simplify complex problems and enjoy helping others learn new concepts.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Plan and execute a successful social media and content strategy. Develop it hand-in-hand with the Community Manager.
  • Tracking the various initiatives happening in the Collective so that they can inform and be synchronized with relevant content production.
  • Write blog posts showcasing the Collective, the mission-critical projects its support
  • Contribute to producing long-form social media content with the Community Manager’s input.
  • Develop a web3-native community engagement program for community members following the ants in its ongoing liquidity initiatives.
  • Any other operations deemed relevant by the Content Strategist to achieve the broader objective of raising awareness about the Collective and its supported projects.

Required Qualifications

  • Value alignment: We do & promote DeFi there, the real one, not re-staked centralized multisig-powered marketing stunts.
  • A profound understanding of DeFi and the main protocol models. You’ll need in particular, to be knowledgeable about DEXes (both incentive models and liquidity structures) and decentralized stablecoin designs (CDP, Reserve)
  • Onchain presence: In DeFi, you learn by doing. During the interview, you’ll be asked to share a wallet.
  • Autonomous and self-driven: You will have no manager and need to be able to self-appoint and deliver on tasks** **relevant to your objectives.
  • Good with words: Much of your job will involve producing content: you need to be able to write clearly, consistently, and with style.

Working Conditions

The Collective offers fair and transparent working conditions to any individual looking to devote his/her skill to better DeFi. Contributors are always hired part-time, with a maximum of 50% of their working time dedicated to the Collective. A maximal spread of 2x is maintained between contributors’ compensation, with the lowest compensation currently at 1500 LUSD /month and the highest at 2500. We are entirely remote and looking for suitable Contributors from anywhere. Provisions are possible in the employment contract to avoid revealing publicly the identity of anonymous contributors.

You can submit your application here if you are interested in either of the two jobs offered.

If you’d like more context and information about the various ways to get involved with the DeFi Collective, read this previous article, and if you have more questions, join the Discord server to ask them them.

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